1k Zout
 2SK170 are 9.2 IDSS, changed CCS resistors to 51R to lower current, its now 6.4ma each with +-18V supplys so 70%
+/- 18V PS is made from F5's PS by means of 7818 and 7918.
Output cap is 1uF MKP + 100nFMKS
 Sig gen has a bit of noise, need new cable for it. But the wave is nice and sharp.( last pic)

J310 version @100khz  Drain's 1k,   Tail 50R+50R,   current 14ma per side,  IDSS 38ma   R5 is 33R
load is 39k,  20v rails  gain=3

Let's say you have JFETs with Idss=8mA. You'd want CCS to supply 12 mA, so R5 should be 56 R. R8 and R3 should be 1k5. R1 and R2 will determine the gain, higher R => lower gain.

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