Dynahi bal 8f


  1. Hi, is the PS GRLV? +/-30V and ca. 3 A for L&R channel? I didn't know GRLV was such powerful

  2. It is setup following what Kevin laid out, don't remember details as its 5yrs ago.
    None of my HP's will ever use an amp of power, more like 1/4A MAX.
    output transistors of GRLV are 200w 16a so yea it could if heat-sink is enough
    50va trans will not allow in this case
    Most will use 2 or more PowerSupplys.... not me
    try it. and do what you like.

    1. Thanks for so quick reply. I found on HeadCase many were using single GRLV for balanced Dynahi. Just a bit surprised, but all of them were working fine. I had complete parts stock of original Dynahi PS and am building it, although I know it's old inefficient design and GRLV has much less noise... GRLV PCB can't be found in the market and finding all parts will require another budget to me...
