

new transconductance amp with up to 250ma of class A output

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change the high gain resistor to 75 ohms and the low gain resistor to 450 ohms

for planar ortho's with an impedance of 50 ohms,this amp really shines. with 30V supplies, does 2 watts pure class A into 50 ohms with a thd of about .03% which is much better than the bakoon does.

for hd800, all it does is accentuate the frequency response issues.

I changed the value of  R3/R6 (to 150R) to bring voltage across R50/R122 (the 50R emitters) to approximately  3V
then pulled servo's and adjusted them again for 0V.  outputs were negative so changed R6 to 180 on one
and 165 on the other




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